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It might be good to put a bunch of these documents on the website as PDFs. That would reall add to the documentary evidence from the three binders.

Calvin Seminary Student

I'm sorry you were treated poorly. But is this the way to handle it?
You certainly have your own priorities in mind, and not those of the church.

I grieve this situation and don't understand how you think you are helping the Kingdom.

I'm sure you won't post this comment. Not to do so proves the accuracy of it.

Mike Switzer

So, so sorry to hear of your bad treatment by CTS. You do not deserve this, as I am sure you know. As I have sat under your teaching at TEDS and read your books and heard you teachings, if the Evangelical Church were a system like Roman Catholicism and Billy Graham would be the Pope, then you would definitely be one of his highest Archbishops/Cardinals...not sure which is higher, an Archbishop or a Cardinal but you would definitely be next in line to take over. You have a LOT of wisdom and God-Given gifts no one else seems to have. Thank God for you and keep a stiff upper lip!

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  • It's been a good year.
    See my site, "River-Rat Reflections," for life away from CTS.


  • I began teaching at Calvin Theological Seminary in 2000--the first full-time woman professor in the school's 125-year history. In 2003, less than 3 months after Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. was installed as the new president, I was, without warning, removed from tenure track and given a terminal appointment. I have repeatedly asked that all the evidence be opened only to be blocked by a dishonest cover-up. When independent mediators were retained by the seminary board in 2005, they called for "retroactive pay to 2003," among other things. That report was buried. I finished my second terminal appointment on August 31, 2006, and shortly thereafter published this blog
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